Our next full network meeting has now been confirmed for Thursday 20th October 22 12:30-4pm at the Central Hall Manchester (M1 1JQ)
To ensure we minimise food waste, please make sure you accept the meeting invitation if you will be attending and if you won’t be staying for lunch please let us know with an email to may.coffey@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk. Any spare food will be shared with a local homelessness charity in the city centre. Please also contact May if you have any queries in the meantime and feel free to forward the invite on to any relevant colleagues.
We are really looking forward to welcoming you to our next in person session. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact may.coffey@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
Best Wishes,
Rev. Ian Rutherford
Chair, Greater Manchester Food Security Action Network